Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 9th!

Well, yesterday was super busy again because my activity was to throw a cookie exchange and friendship tea so there was a lot of stuff to get done for it so we didn't actually get our craft done but I should have time today along with the other one.  But, we did still read our books; Chapter 3 and 4 of the Return of Light and in Merry Christmas, we read about how Germany celebrates.
 Lori, Landon and Boaz visiting and eating cookies (well, not Boaz).
 Dad and Carver eating cookies!
 Oh, too many delicious cookies-this is only a very small portion!
 Judy, Shelley and my sister drinking tea and enjoying way to much food.
Somehow Lori acquired a teddy bear, too!
Aaaaand a pic of the new puppy who joined our family lastnight-he and Landon slept together all night!

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