Friday, December 20, 2013

December 20th!

Well, today was a little less hectic and we got a chance to finish our puffy paint snowmen and we also made Elf yourselves, which is basically a construction paper elf with the kids' face on it (they're actually super creepy).  Our Christmas activity was to take a Christmas-y family portrait (not easy, I assure you) and then we read Angelina's Christmas about a mouse named Angelina who brings Christmas to an old postman, What happened to Merry Christmas about a little boy named Sam who gets invited to a 'holiday' party and learns that through God, Christmas is everywhere even if you have to search a little and then we learned about Christmas in India.

 The finished product from yesterday.
 Carver honing his coloring skills.
 Landon did a good job on his decorating.
 He's caught the coloring bug.
 A work in progress.
 Creepy but the kids loved it.

 It took about five shots, but I actually like the unstaged look of this one.
Our reading selections.

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