Saturday, August 14, 2010

I apologize for my being on hiatus for the last few weeks but with the upcoming arrival, I'm afraid my life has been one big leap at getting these house renos done in time! And my friends, time is running out! I am in the last month of my second trimester which means, four more months to go! But, it is exciting! We felt the baby moving by eighteen weeks, about a day after the ultrasound in which we got to see close up our little bundle of joy! And two days ago, I saw it move. My belly actually shifted. Now, I can't stop watching it! Unfortunately, my camera battery is dead so no current picks or video; which I hate...but hopefully we'll get it up and running by the end of the month. Mom is coming down for a couple of weeks today and that's pretty exciting-we have so much fun together and an extra pair of hands helping me out is just what I need. Dave and I are just about done renovating the bathroom, I just need to do a few touch-ups with some paing and we need one side of edging for the bathtub and we're pretty much done! Which is a relief because we have so muxh to do (and pay for) before we can get to the nursury-so please wish us luck! Other than that, everything just goes on like before; with a few changes to our daily routine to prepare us for being too busy to know what to do with ourselves! But, as all of you know, I'm happiest when I'm running in four different directions so I think I'll be okay.