Friday, May 04, 2012

A Preview

Okay, in lieu of my recent obsession with reading, I have been getting the urge to start up writing again.  And I only think it fair to brag, that last month, I finished my first novel.  I still have to get it edited and copywritten before sending it to publishers, but it is done.  So, I decided to post a sample:

So, said Hans after their tale, Where did you plan to go?  Here?  I dont think you would be safe here.
Well, I dont know if Maran had the same thought as I, Lorelei said with a suspenseful grin, but I thought of leaving Bremerhaven.  Actually, leaving Germany altogether!
The reaction was not at all like she hoped.  The faces of the men were silent and horrified.
Leave Germany. John said, a look of amusement on his face, Why would we leave Germany?
Because, Lorelei stammered, realizing how ridiculous it sounded for her to ask four men she barely knew to come away with her to another country when they werent in any danger of being caught.  Why should they leave their home for her?
Because I dont want to face it alone. She finished lamely.
Are you asking for our help? Said Michello with a smile.
Lorelei sighed, I suppose.  But Im hoping more for companionship.  
Ill go with you. Maran said, finally.  Lorelei looked at him to see if there was truth in his words.  He gazed at her, his eyes sharp with sincerity.
Michello winced somewhat before replying, Ill go, too.
The girl looked at John expectantly, Well?
Sure, Ill go, if it means seeing France. John grumbled.
Hans gazed around at the faces of his friends.  They were gazing back at him in anticipation, waiting to hear what his decision would be.
I cant. He whispered.
What? John said, somewhat harshly.
What are you talking about? Of course you can come!  Ill be paying your way. Exclaimed Lorelei.
Its not that.  I just dont want to. He stammered.
Thats alright.  If he doesnt want to come, thats fine too. Maran said hesitantly.
May we ask why you dont want to go?  I’m asking because I wouldnt want to leave you all by yourself in Bremerhaven.  I would stay here with you. Michello said. 
No, you should go.  This reason is all my own. Hans replied, But I will tell you why if you wish.  For years now, as we rampage the streets, I have kept my eye out for a certain man, hoping to find him. He took a deep breath, Ive been looking for my father.  I know it sounds stupid, but I really want to see a part of my family, especially since everyone else I have ever known is dead.
I realize your reasons, Hans, spat John, but your father, as I heard, was a drunk!  Why, ever would you go back to that?
I cant expect you to understand my motives.  Its just something I have to do, you know?  You all should really go off to France.  I can do this better alone.
Alright.  Its a deal.  Well leave you here, but you must promise us one thing.  Go with us for a beer.  Im sure Lorelei could spare us a little money.  After all, its our last night together. Maran said.
Lorelei took a quick look at her bundle.
Ill buy you each one drink, she smiled.
Oh, I like her. John grinned.                    

Okay, from my Facebook post, you are all aware that I've finished 'The Hunger Games' and that I loved it.  But truly, I am now in a funk.  It was too good, too much of my time was invested and now all I can think about are those novels.  I finished it last night before bed (BIG mistake) and lay awake for what felt like forever thinking about it.  So beautiful and tragic and profound and the ending depressed me, but in a good way.  I don't think there was any other appropriate ending.  I feel emotionally wrecked and I'm kind of loving's so rare to find a book (or set of books) that does that to you.  I wish I could post a million more words on it, but I honestly can't find them...all I can say is, read them if you haven't.  They are so worth the money.