Friday, May 04, 2012

Okay, from my Facebook post, you are all aware that I've finished 'The Hunger Games' and that I loved it.  But truly, I am now in a funk.  It was too good, too much of my time was invested and now all I can think about are those novels.  I finished it last night before bed (BIG mistake) and lay awake for what felt like forever thinking about it.  So beautiful and tragic and profound and the ending depressed me, but in a good way.  I don't think there was any other appropriate ending.  I feel emotionally wrecked and I'm kind of loving's so rare to find a book (or set of books) that does that to you.  I wish I could post a million more words on it, but I honestly can't find them...all I can say is, read them if you haven't.  They are so worth the money.

1 comment:

jannafaye said...

I FEEL YOU!!! they were sooo good and i was major book funking at the end. i've been looking at them lately and thinking i could read them again (even though its only been a year since i first read them, lol!).