Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13th!

First, a shout-out to my little man, Landon who turned three today! That's right, three! He's growing up so fast! Today's craft is actually still in the oven.  We made salt dough ornaments and they bake for six hours at 200F.  We're going to finish them up this weekend and hang them outside in the trees.  Our activity today was to go out for hot chocolate, so we drove to Swan and went to Y Not Johnnys for Landon's birthday dessert (he gets his cake tomorrow for his party) and hot chocolate.  We did have books picked out, but we didn't get a chance to read them due to the boys falling asleep on the way home and not waking up when we put them in bed; so hopefully they have a good sleep! They'll need it for tomorrow!

 Stamping out our decorations.
 Landon didn't want to get involved until the last two cuts had to be made, but at least he got a hand in!
 At Y Not Johnny's sipping hot cocoa and getting sticky!
Fun night, with great food and followed by some discount shopping!

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