Thursday, December 05, 2013

December 5th!

So, today we finished our snowflake craft from yesterday by making them into a mobile and hanging them in the dining room.  Then, I had the kids make a stocking out of stickers and crayons and cotton balls.  True, Carver's a little young, but he did try to do some crayon coloring and he loved it!  Our family activity was writing a letter to Santa and our stories tonight were Little Miss Christmas and Reindeer Round-up (a pop-up).

 Landon had fun coloring his stocking and the table.
 Carver just had fun.
 He actually did do some coloring.
 The finished product.
 Signing the letter to Santa.
 He dictated very well.  I can't wait until the return letter comes!
He looks upset, but it really is excitement!


jannafaye said...

carver is like the happiest kid ever! love that smile!

Jadis said...

I know! It's killer-but he has you fooled, he can get pretty mad, too!