Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pilates Challenge...

Okay guys, I'm going to do my own two week pilates challenge! Every day I'm going to do a twenty five minute, ab concentrated pilates workout. Along with afternoon jogs and eating a healthy, balanced diet... I should see results of some kind. I'll be keeping a random journal posted for you on my progress. Feel free to ask me questions about it; I'd love to answer them. Wish me luck!


cassie trumbley said...

i thought that said *pilate* as in pontius.
but i was wrong.

Big Mac mama said...

Wow Al! Would you belive that about a week ago, Tina and I both started our own personal challenge, to eat healthier, do our PILATES workout every day, and lose weight before the start of summer? We'll all be healthifying together ^_^ and so far I've been a good girl, when my parents came out for my bday yesterday, my mom said she could already tell I'd started to lose weight. I wish you the same success!

Jadis said...

Wow, that's so great! I'm not doing it alone. Thanks!