Sunday, December 04, 2011

Put Your Best Finger Forward

The first thing I'm tackling this month in the pursuit of fabulousness (that's a word now, don't worry) is the weekly mani/pedi and finding a nice colour for those delightful digits.  I don't meant that we should go down to a salon every Thursday afternoon and spend a hundred bucks (although do treat yourself sometime, it's fantastic) I mean something simple...choose a day out of the week where you can give yourself an hour; mine is Sunday.  Then, soak your toes and fingers in warm water (if you have massage tubs for them, use those-I have one for both and I love them!) and pat dry.  Do some upkeep to the nails and cuticles (mine are always hazardous and hard to keep up) and then paint on your fave colour.  Right now, I've become a huge fan of both bright, bright colours or plain neutral.  This week, I'm going neutral in attempt to strengthen my nails.  I've gone with gel for years because my nails are super soft and as soon as they grow, they strip.  But now, with such a tight budget, I'm fending for myself.  So, I picked up Sally Hansen's Major Growth which is supposed to harden nails as it is worn.  I'm pretty sure that it just means that it creates a protective layer but since I know there's no miracle cure...I'm going with it.  It's in a beige colour which I'm going to coat with a clear Diamond Finish top coat.  And that's all for this week...nothing too fancy (that's for the Christmas Party and my son's birthday party next weekend).  If your like me, and wear and tear your hands from house cleaning and changing diapers (or whatever), touch-ups are needed and lots and lots of hand cream!  I'm always running and forgetting so my hands, especially in the winter, start to feel dry.  My goal is to apply lotion after every long-submersion and any time they're feeling a little thirsty.  That's why I've got lotion in my purse, my car, my nightstand and my bathroom.  I really should put some in my kitchen, as well!  I realize that wear and tear may not be as bad as in the summer when we're outside and if your like me, gardening! But, that is where the fabulous gloves come in...which hopefully, if I ever remember, can be discussed during planting season.  Instead, just pick a fabulous pair of gloves for your winter wear and flaunt those fingers!

Check it out:

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