I totally forgot to post my affirmation for the other day!
So here is Affirmation Day Six: I am beautiful when I speak the words that are in my heart and stand up for what i believe in. By speaking up and being present, I am makinig a contribution to the world. My voice is powerful and significant and beautiful. My voice deserves to be heard. I am beautiful when I am passionate about things I do. I wasn't born just to take up space; I was born to make a difference. I make every day count, even if it's just in one tiny way...Everymorning I wake up. I have a choice of what is to come. I coose to be beautiful by leading a beautiful life.
The task for this affirmation is to write something that can be published; a poem, and editorial, anything that you are passionate about and send it away to a paper, a publisher-anything where people will get the chance to read you words and know how powerful you are in your convictions!
Day Seven affirmation:
I am beaufiful when I make lemonade ou of lemons. I accept that some days will be harder than others. The rainy days teach me to appreciate the sunshine. They help me to grow stronger, wiser, braver, and more beautiful. With one deep breath at a time, I will move through today into tomorrow...and every day will be the best tomorrow yet.
Today's task is to simply try yoga...it's a great way to reconnect with you body, mind and spirit. And it really relaxes you and puts you in a good place!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Affirmations Five
Day Five: I am beautiful when I'm authentic, when my body and mind are at ease, and when I am completely myself. Sometimes I lose myself in what the world expects of me. I will not try to conform to what I 'should be'. I will create my own box and step outside it as I wish. I will shout from the rooftops, "World, here I am!" I will let everyone know my presence is worth noticing.
Challenge: The challenge today is simple; it is just to avoid magazines that tell you how you should be and focus on the fact that you are already who you are for a reason and that person is amazing already!
Challenge: The challenge today is simple; it is just to avoid magazines that tell you how you should be and focus on the fact that you are already who you are for a reason and that person is amazing already!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Affirmations: Day Four
Well, guys, I did it! I spent the entire day Saturday with my hair unkempt and now make-up on: It actually was a challenge because I NEVER go anywhere without my hair done. In fact, I even went into Tim's and got a coffee.

Day Four: Perfection is overrated. If everyone in this world were perfect, we would all be exactly the same. It is the very things taht make me different that make me beautiful...I am unique in my appearance, in my wisdom, and in my emotions. these are the things that set me apart, make me irreplacable.
The challenge for the day is to start a gratitude journal for yourself and everyday and for the next twenty days, write down five things you like about yourself in it every morning as you get up or in the evening before going to bed...by the end, you should have one hundred things that you love about yourself or are thankful about yourself. Good luck.
Here are mine for the day:
1. I love my hair
2. I love my moles
3. I love my self-confidence
4. I love my cooking
5. I love my green thumb
Day Four: Perfection is overrated. If everyone in this world were perfect, we would all be exactly the same. It is the very things taht make me different that make me beautiful...I am unique in my appearance, in my wisdom, and in my emotions. these are the things that set me apart, make me irreplacable.
The challenge for the day is to start a gratitude journal for yourself and everyday and for the next twenty days, write down five things you like about yourself in it every morning as you get up or in the evening before going to bed...by the end, you should have one hundred things that you love about yourself or are thankful about yourself. Good luck.
Here are mine for the day:
1. I love my hair
2. I love my moles
3. I love my self-confidence
4. I love my cooking
5. I love my green thumb
Saturday, March 27, 2010
An Old Post
I just found this old post and was wondering what happened to this girl-because it's part of the girl I'm trying to re-discover now...
'I'm twenty one years old and I listen to Bach while drinking green tea and knitting. I enjoy Bach; his melodies are much sweeter than those of Beethoven or Motzart and I'm twenty one and I understand that. I'm twenty one and I enjoy homemaking. My napkins are homemade; all my furniture matches. I have a flower garden that I love to work in and I cook. This morning I made breakfast for Dave and I. I'm twenty one and breakfast for two included an assortment of homemade crepes, pancakes, orange/pineapple pancake syrup, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and breakfast puffs. I'm not writing this to brag, honestly, because a lot of people wouldn't be happy with what I do. I'm writing this because I'm twenty one and I know myself. I know what I like and don't like and I love who I am. I'm twenty one and I'm a woman who enjoys green tea and Bach.'
'I'm twenty one years old and I listen to Bach while drinking green tea and knitting. I enjoy Bach; his melodies are much sweeter than those of Beethoven or Motzart and I'm twenty one and I understand that. I'm twenty one and I enjoy homemaking. My napkins are homemade; all my furniture matches. I have a flower garden that I love to work in and I cook. This morning I made breakfast for Dave and I. I'm twenty one and breakfast for two included an assortment of homemade crepes, pancakes, orange/pineapple pancake syrup, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and breakfast puffs. I'm not writing this to brag, honestly, because a lot of people wouldn't be happy with what I do. I'm writing this because I'm twenty one and I know myself. I know what I like and don't like and I love who I am. I'm twenty one and I'm a woman who enjoys green tea and Bach.'
More Books
Okay, so I took a break from 'The Stand'; it's good but I was itching to read something different. So, two weeks ago, I picked up Belva Plain's book, 'Fortune's Hand'. The thing I like about Belva Plain is her ability to suck you into someone else's world so effortlessly. She has a certain style I like and I enjoyed the book very much. Then, I read Nicholas Evans book 'The Loop'. Nicholas Evans wrote the 'Horse Whisperer' which was a fabulous book so I had high expectations for this one...I wasn't disappointed! I couldn't put it down! It was sooooo good and I totally recommend it to everyone. Thirdly, I sat down with Sue Monk Kidd's book 'The Mermaid Chair'. I have never read any of her things and had bought the book on a whim (plus it was thirty percent off!) It was fabulous. I was impressed and entertained thoroughly. I am now reading 'Perfume' and will update you on that as well.
Affirmation: Day Three
Day three: I am beautiful when my hair's a mess and I haven't put my make-up on yet.
The challenge today is simply to not put make-up on or do your hair at all today and remember-you're more beautiful this way because this is how God made you; make up and hair are just enhancers.
Have a lovely day.
P.S. I did yesterdays exercise faithfully all day and the results were amazing. It was like by the end of the day, all the ugliness I had seen melted away. I'm going to continue it.
The challenge today is simply to not put make-up on or do your hair at all today and remember-you're more beautiful this way because this is how God made you; make up and hair are just enhancers.
Have a lovely day.
P.S. I did yesterdays exercise faithfully all day and the results were amazing. It was like by the end of the day, all the ugliness I had seen melted away. I'm going to continue it.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day Two: Affirmations
Well, everyone, I hope that the first affirmation was a success! I know I had trouble remembering sometimes and once I caught myself looking in the mirror and thinking how tired I looked but then I remembered that I only wanted good thoughts so I thought about all the things I liked about myself and the list wasn't too short!
Day Two:
Each morning I will smile at the woman in the mirror instead of scowling. I will be sensitive to her needs and treat her with kindness. I will be proud of her accomplishments and accepting of her faults. I will allow her to be herself. She is me and I am beautiful.
The goal for today is to pick one part of your body that you have trouble loving. Make a list of all the things that you like about that body part and everytime you look in the mirror, force yourself to look at it and remember why you love it.
The body part I choose is my stomache. I've always hated it. Here's the things I love about it.
1. The milky white color
2. It's still stretchmark free and smooth.
3. No hideous treasure trail.
4. The two moles on the left of my belly button.
5. My belly button
6. It will be my children's first home.
7. It gives me my curves.
Day Two:
Each morning I will smile at the woman in the mirror instead of scowling. I will be sensitive to her needs and treat her with kindness. I will be proud of her accomplishments and accepting of her faults. I will allow her to be herself. She is me and I am beautiful.
The goal for today is to pick one part of your body that you have trouble loving. Make a list of all the things that you like about that body part and everytime you look in the mirror, force yourself to look at it and remember why you love it.
The body part I choose is my stomache. I've always hated it. Here's the things I love about it.
1. The milky white color
2. It's still stretchmark free and smooth.
3. No hideous treasure trail.
4. The two moles on the left of my belly button.
5. My belly button
6. It will be my children's first home.
7. It gives me my curves.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Daily Affirmations
I borrowed an affirmation book from my grandma. It's called 'I Am Beautiful' and it's written by Diane Mastromarino. I was skimming through it and it carries such strength for those of us so fortunate to be women...but unfortunately, we tend to take ourselves for granted and even think we're not good enough, so each day, I'm going to post a new page from the book along with a mini exercise to work on through the day.
Day One:
Part of being beautiful is the knowledge that I am not just saying these words, but truly believing them.
Today, everytime you see your reflection, think to yourself 'I am Beautiful' and find one feature about yourself that you admire outwardly.
Day One:
Part of being beautiful is the knowledge that I am not just saying these words, but truly believing them.
Today, everytime you see your reflection, think to yourself 'I am Beautiful' and find one feature about yourself that you admire outwardly.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
The Sky
I think what most people don't know is that one of the things that drew me back home to Manitoba is the sky. For something so vast, I find it very intimate. In all the places I've been, it's felt different; almost like it defines the mood that is set in each particular place. In Alberta, the sky is overwhelming in its simpleness. Everything about it seems unreachable, like you're looking at a painted canvass. It seems to just sit there, immovable and grand. It's also fickle, cloudy one moment and sunny the next or cloudy and cold and miserable in one town and sunny and warm and wonderful in another. When the rain clouds come in, they sweep the sky and sit above you half heartedly.
In Hawaii, the sky is too large like it's swollen too far in hopes of encompassing all of paradise. It is pastel and the clouds seem lazy as if the lack of importance emanating from the shores influences them. The horizons sparkle and blend into the ocean and the sunsets are understated and dull, perhaps only pale in comparison to it's surroundings. The rain comes in sheets from a seemingly empty sky because even the thunder seems to have trouble invading the stillness.
In British Columbia the sky is bountiful and full of freedom. The clouds swell and sit themselves comfortably over the mountains, sometimes white and peaceful,other times dark and forboding. The blue is too blue and the black too black but no matter how overwhelming, you feel strangely at ease as it encompasses you. The air is seemingly sweet and the rain is plentiful but hopeful. Life is evident in the sprawling coastal skies.
In Manitoba, the sky is so close you can almost touch it but so immense and full of life that you doubt you can. Everyday, the picture it paints is clearer, more brilliant and possibly full of more color. The clouds have many faces and the sun shows hope and possiblitly and growth. The prairies open up before it to enable us to see every aspect of the sunrise and set and it's my firm belief that making pictures in the clouds was invented in a sky like Manitobas. When the rain comes in, the thunder and dark clouds rumble omniously like a train down a track and the blackness furls in like smoke with a light show. A Manitoba sky is peaceful and powerful and stunning and is what draws me back even if I don't realize it.
In Hawaii, the sky is too large like it's swollen too far in hopes of encompassing all of paradise. It is pastel and the clouds seem lazy as if the lack of importance emanating from the shores influences them. The horizons sparkle and blend into the ocean and the sunsets are understated and dull, perhaps only pale in comparison to it's surroundings. The rain comes in sheets from a seemingly empty sky because even the thunder seems to have trouble invading the stillness.
In British Columbia the sky is bountiful and full of freedom. The clouds swell and sit themselves comfortably over the mountains, sometimes white and peaceful,other times dark and forboding. The blue is too blue and the black too black but no matter how overwhelming, you feel strangely at ease as it encompasses you. The air is seemingly sweet and the rain is plentiful but hopeful. Life is evident in the sprawling coastal skies.
In Manitoba, the sky is so close you can almost touch it but so immense and full of life that you doubt you can. Everyday, the picture it paints is clearer, more brilliant and possibly full of more color. The clouds have many faces and the sun shows hope and possiblitly and growth. The prairies open up before it to enable us to see every aspect of the sunrise and set and it's my firm belief that making pictures in the clouds was invented in a sky like Manitobas. When the rain comes in, the thunder and dark clouds rumble omniously like a train down a track and the blackness furls in like smoke with a light show. A Manitoba sky is peaceful and powerful and stunning and is what draws me back even if I don't realize it.
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