Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I had made a silent vow when the new year came in that I would try to read a book a month.  Well, it's February sixteenth and I'm on book four already.  This year I've read 'The Reader' by Bernard Schlink, 'Swang Song' by Robert McCammon, 'Feathers in the Fire' by Catherine Cookson and am now on 'The Stand' by Stephen King.  'The Reader' was pretty good.  If you've seen the movie, you've pretty much read the book because the filmmakers copied it almost word for word and I enjoyed both highly.  'Swan Song' was amazing but I think everything ever written by Robert McCammon is amazing.  It's about the end of the world and those that survive it to create the new world.  I literally couldn't put it down.  'Feathers in the Fire' is sub-par.  It's an easy read and was lent to me by Grandma.  So far, 'The Stand' had caught my interest.  It's HUGE so hopefully I can finish it in good time.  I'm way ahead of my goal anyway so  it doesn't matter if it takes me a little longer.

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