Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31st, 2014

So, of course, it is New Year's Eve; the time for New Year's Resolutions...

I'm not making a list this year.  I know deep down what I want for myself and for my family and I'm going to let my experiences show for themselves how I'm doing and what I'm doing.  I hope to blog frequently (maybe one tomorrow about our evenings hijinks!) and let you in on my life here in Benito.  I hope to make it fun and rewarding for everyone!  On a Resolution note, here is a cool article that I hope helps you out-some awesome advice lurking in it!

Happy 2015!

P.S. Who else looks forward to putting up there new calendars?

1 comment:

Brynne said...

New calendars are the best! Christmas tradition has my Amma giving us all calendars in our stockings. I'm using mine for workouts, and Devin's is hung in the kitchen for the rest of our 2015 lives.