Sunday, November 17, 2013

You Know December Is Going To Be Busy When...

As a stay-at-home mom, I actually relish busy schedules where I'm running around and getting out and driving the kids crazy with random days that they don't see coming.  And, with Christmas coming, I've planned some great stuff to keep us super busy spreading the spirit around the house and the community and guaranteed to keep us hopping until well after the big day.  So, needless to say, we are getting excited to get started, but make no mistake, we are keeping busy in November, too! There are countless product party's, craft shows, and open houses and we're trying to hit them all! So far, we've gone to the Avon open house where I found some cool nail art, the Farmer's Market Christmas Craft Sale where I bought some local honey, homemade butter tarts and a wicked awesome lamp for the boys room! Then, on to Dundee Design show where I found a cool bling wallet and some wooden toys for the kids, and a Party Lite party where I not only purchased some amazing smelling holiday candles, but I won the door prize, thanks to my son drawing his Mom's name! This week coming up I have a Mary Kay open house which I hope to attend, Book Club starts, the Cookie Walk and the play Office Hours by Norm Foster (which Dave is in).  Next week keeps us busy with the Christmas Tree Walk and Gingerbread House Contest and my nephew Ranon's birthday!  It's busy, but we're having a blast!

1 comment:

jannafaye said...

happy birthday to your nephew! how old is he now? it must be nice to live closer to each other now, too.