Sunday, March 18, 2012

More Ramblings...

Why is it so hard to form a habit(s)? They say it takes 21 days...which I could see being true; if you could make it that long.  I can't count how many times I've gone five days or so and then, out of mere laziness, ordered in and boom; that was the end of that for about a week until I tried again.  And, it's not just the weight-loss thing...I have the bad habit of falling into a drudgery type state.  It's hard as a mom to be always on top of your personal needs and wants but darn it, I want to try! I want to dress nice every day and work out and write and take care of my other stuff (like facials and nails and such).  The list goes on...being cool Mom is actually quite difficult; I mean from the outside.  Inwardly, I'm the best, of course (insert obvious joke here). 
So, this weekend, Landon went to Grandma's all weekend and I went to a Frame Show for work in Winnipeg on Friday, did a bit of shopping on Saturday and am using Sunday as my pre-fabulous day.
So, this morning, I applied Salon Effects to my nails; they are awesome (thus far, I don't know how long they'll last).  I picked the snake skin and they are so easy to apply and look amazing.  And I also did a base coat of acrylic gel which I got at Walmart to keep my nails hard so hopefully they'll grow! I finished off the morning with a chocolate/strawberry clay mask facial and a good dose of face cream and later, Dave and I are going to teeth whiten! An update on that later.

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