Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Master Plan

The Plan...instead of trying for two weeks or a month of goals; I'm going to try for four days at a time! Then, if I'm good, I'll add four more days on to tally eight, and so forth! And, I'm going to write down a list of daily goals fresh every time because they will change a little.  And, I know this sounds bizarre, but I need an inspirational picture and there's this pin-up on Dave's calendar for January that has the body I want.  It's not perfect but it's slim and feminine and there's something about it that I, I'm cutting it out and keeping it with me.  Hopefully no one sees it though because it would looks strange without the explanation! And, I'm doing my nails now.  I put a coat of VitaSurge Growth on the bare nails, then I'm just going with the Diamond Strength nude nail polish (two coats) followed by my Acrylic gel.  In two days, I will reapply the Acrylic (Tuesday).
Tomorrows goals will look something like this:

1. Eat healthy 1500 cal diet
2. Drink 8 glasses of water
3. Scar zone (baby stretchmarks)
4. Wash face and  moisturize everything (face, hands, legs, arms, feet)
5. Write Marge a letter
6. Write one page in my novel
7. Don't spend frivoulrously
8. Work out for one hour

And that's that, I think.  Today, I'll do my pamper day...get myself ready for the week with a bath and a facial.  And, I'm trying out body butter for my moisturizing needs.  Plus, Dave and I will come up with nightly activities to keep us away from the t.v. and the snacks!

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