Saturday, February 05, 2011

Well, being a mother definately takes up a lot of time-especially now that Landon is awake alot and wants to hang out with someone constantly! But, he is currently having a wicked awesome nap on the couch with his face smushe on a pillow (but still able to breathe!). However, I do have time to read alot and am still on schedule! I finished Olive Kittredge and it was okay; nothing I'd read again. I also finished John Irving's The Cider House Rules and it is AMAZING! I recommend everyone read it. I am now almost entirely through Nicholas Evans 'The Divide' and it's pretty good, but I had very little doubt considering the last new books of his were incredible (he wrote 'The Horse Whisperer').
Mom came and visited for almost two weeks and was here for her fifty first birthday which I made a camo cake for-it was fabulous! And, she bought me a horde of new books to add to my collection so I'm stocked for the next few months! It was also handy she was here because I had to go in for an emergency D and C almost two weeks ago and I needed someone to watch Landon because Dave worked nearly twelve hours and I had to be put under. But, I'm okay now,they just had to remove some left over placenta from my delivery. Gross, I know. Anyhoo, on that lovely note, I'd better jet. Lots of love!

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