Saturday, September 27, 2014

Manitoba Girl

I admit, at times I have a love/hate relationship with Manitoba.  But, when the weather turns crisp and the leaves change color and the smell of dust and burning fields fills the air, I know why I love living here and why it'd be hard to be without.  September to January have always been my favorite months.  School starts and the sounds of children walking to and from ripple through the air, the wind is pungent with the aromas of harvest, drying leaves and woodsmoke.  You start putting on slippers and warmer pajamas and possibly change over you sheets to flannel.  Crockpot meals, soups and hot bevvies start making regular appearances on your menu.  Thanksgiving arrives to herald the rest of the year's festivities, brought in by family gathering, smells of turkey, pumpkins and leaves decorating the house and then leading into Hallowe'en. All Hallow's Eve; the holiday for spooky decor, costumes, candy, newly empty trees, crunching leaves, more pumpkins and then the snow settles.  And a quiet hush falls over the province as the trees and some of the animals go to sleep for the next few months and then Christmas.  I'm not going to even go into Christmas yet (we know it's great) because I'm just going to revel in Autumn!

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