Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow, suddenly, I've become an insanely terrible blogger! I miss the times when we all avidly posted, keeping ourselves in touch with each other's lives! Well, as you all probably know, I am entering 2011 as a Mom! My son was born at 12:04 am on December 13th and we named him Landon Hugh William Sommerville. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 15 1/4 oz and was four minutes away from being due on his due date! He is an absolutely beautiful boy with lots of hair (which is now turning a dark blond) and perfect hands and feet. He hardly ever cries and is growing like crazy; he's almost too long for his newborn sleepers and he's only three and a half weeks today. I'm very excited to celebrate my first real Mother's Day because last year, when I was pregnant, it was still all a big secret and the Dave got me a card to celebrate our coming arrival, but now I can celebrate my new stature with everyone!
As always comes with the New Year, I've got some resolutions that I'm hoping to accomplish! Here's my list:
1. Get in shape for summer-it's gonna take some hard work to get rid of my 'baby' belly, but I'm up for it! I've started a guideline on Spark Nutrition which lets me outline all the foods I eat and tells me how many calories I've ingested, breaking it down into carbs, fat, and protein and then comparing it to what I should be taking in. It also allows me to to track my workouts and how many calories I've burned.
2. Learn the guitar or piano, or both; whichever comes first-I'm waiting on being able to purchase a cord for my electric guitar that can connect it to the amp and then hopefully, I'll be on my way!
3. Write more-I want to see one of my books at least get sent away to be reviewed by a publisher, even if it gets rejected; which, from what I've heard, is very common but at least I'll have made that first step.
4. Start oil painting again-Dave has bought me a beginner set and some canvasses, but I have to decide what I want to paint. I've been starting to get more artistic, painting a few ceramics during the holidays but this is where I can really see how artistic I can be.
5. Blog more and communicate more with my friends-via email letter or phone but it must be done; I miss you guys!
6. Finish house renos-This is becoming the bane of my existance, especially without money! But, we've been known to do it on a tight budget before so we just need to get going; and learn how to work around a baby's schedule!
7. Create a backyard paradise-I've got my seed order ready from P.E.I and brand new Gardener's Journal with references and plot outlines. I'm very excited and hope to share my ideas online!
8. Hone in on my relationship with Jesus-this keeps coming up; and though it is technically last on the list, does not mean it isn't the most important and I want this not only for myself, but so Landon can learn about God and His love through me. I can only accomplish this by being devoted to being an open vessel to Him (as I wrote about in my last prayer blog).
I will keep you all updated on my achievements as well as other goings-on in my life (as part of my fifth resolution and as an attempt to become better connected to you guys! I'm very excited about this and hope to see some more posts soon.

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