Apologies all around for the lack of posting: I have been quite ill but now am able to capture your attention once again. Firstly, I'd like to start on the captivating subject of Meat Loaf. Not the food, the man. Even if you aren't a fan of his music, surely you have heard of him. Famous for his hits like 'Bat out of Hell' and 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light', he has lived on for years (seriously, the guy is fifty nine!) and at the end of all these years has come out with the last addition to his Bat out of Hell CDs...Bat out of Hell 3: The Monster is Loose. And, in the tradition of such an unveiling, he went on tour and on the tour, he made a stop in Edmonton. Dave and I were there, with floor seat tickets. Oh yes, my darlings, it was the most amazing night ever and Meat Loaf totally rocks my socks!
Now, the title of Orange Juice may be confusing you severely and when I tell you it proclaims my boyfriend as the best ever, I'll really have you wondering. It all begins with this week's illness. I had a weeklong fever and strep throat and was dealing with the strep throat alright but was finding it hard to sleep with a fever. So, finally, on Saturday at work, I looked up relief for fever and one of the not-gross-sounding remedies was to drink alot of orange juice. Well, considering I get off work at ten and had church early the next day, my not-so-gross-sounding remedy got put on the back burner but at church during a delay in the service I was randomly telling Dave about this weird sounding relief antedote.
Well, no sooner had I got to work after church, but in walks my darling man with a whole jug of orange juice pulp free, just the way I like it. Hats off to my main squeeze.
And speaking of hats off....

In case you didn't catch that right off, I'm now indeed hairless once again. I think I look cute bald...that is the only reason I did it, plus it will grow back in short and blond and pixie-ish. And Dave actually finds me very attractive and I can wear hats without messing up my hair.
So, my darlings that is all that is new on the home front. I love you all and will hopefully post sooner.
youre hot
I adore MeatLoaf (and I adore that he was in Spice World)
I adore OJ
And I adore you (and your lack of hair).
You're adorable, hairy or hairless.
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