Monday, August 28, 2006

Rejoicing in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord always; I will say it again. Rejoice!
Philippeans 4:4
This verse is so simple....I love it. Just think about it; whenever you are having a bad day, even the worst day of your life, if you rejoice in the Lord and say out loud 'Father, I love you, you're awesome!', your day will seem to get a little brighter. That is his little miracle for you because all he wants is your unconditional love and if you can love him and rejoice in his name even on your crappiest days, he'll smile at you.
I had a crappy day at work yesterday and all that lovely stuff and I got home and went to bed tired and stressed and confused. When I woke up, I felt awful because I hadn't sat down with my Father and hashed out my day. So, this morning, I did and he showed me this verse and as I thought about it, it dawned on me. So, what you had a bad day? You're alive: REJOICE!
So, I have to ask you guys: What makes you rejoice? What makes you happy even on the bad days? And, if you need a little prayer, just ask, I'd be happy to talk to God with you or for you.
I'll leave you with one more quote which I got off a Sunday bulletin last summer:
May you be comforted in knowing that this difficult trial will have an end. God has ordained that all things will come to a conclusion. As painful as it seems right now, none of this will last forever. As God's grace prevails, the struggle will end at just the right time, and you will rejoice in a bright, new day.


jannafaye said...

What makes me rejoice? Hmm...I am in the best mood ever so this might be a little crazy...

Terrell! Oh my word, he really does! And knowing that God totally placed him into my life to bring me joy and to show His love to me through Terrell just rocks my world!

God's faithfulness astounds me. He also speaks to me when I need to hear Him, I never feel alone. "His grace has brought me safe thus far and grace shall lead me home."

Speaking of grace...its so unconditional coming from Him.

My friends and family...

Basically to sum up, what makes me rejoice is knowing I AM LOVED, whether it is by God, Terrell, or my friends...and also knowing that I am filled with love to give that makes me want to REJOICE!!

Great post, Al! I love you!

jannafaye said...

Am I the only one that rejoices?