Thursday, April 20, 2006

Things Are Going My Way

Do you ever have one of those days where everything falls into place? Those days are so miraculous. I decided to have my locks changed yesterday because I had the feeling that someone had been in my apartment while I was away and I got a call lastnight from my landlord telling me that he'd have them personally changed today. Then, I lost contact with my mom and sister yesterday and couldn't get ahold of them. I even drove an hour to there house in the middle of the night to see if they had come home and they were gone. I checked the hospitals for accidents. Everything. Then, this morning, before I had a chance to really lose it, Mom called me....They were partying it up in Montana and they're bringing me something back. About half an hour later, the phone rang and it was an interview call for an administrative/managerial/massage position. It sounds so promising! I might have a job by the time I get out of school! And, speaking of school, I'm almost done! I graduate next Saturday!
So, thank God for great days....He smiles down on us and sometimes in big ways. It's been an absolutely blessed day.


jannafaye said...

Yay for a promising interview!! I'm praying for you, you deserve nothing but the best, kiddo!
Love you!

Jadis said...

Thanks, my girlie!

Big Mac mama said...

Yay for good days :D