Saturday, November 01, 2014

I feel that every time November comes around...I get the need to step on it and work myself out so I have my s*%t together for the New Year.  So, here's my list:

1) Control my temper and be patient!
     For those of you who really know me; you know I hate making people angry and I hate dispute, but I also have a short fuse and one little thing can set me off.  Of course, as with most people, we abuse this habit with people who will love us no matter what (I have two kids, no math required) and I want to curb that behavior.
2) Take care of self
      I want to make sure I take the time to wash my face and put on my lotions and put on a little make-up and maybe a necklace.  I'm definitely not the mom who wears sweats around the house, but when I'm put together and taking care of myself by pampering, I always feel more collected
3) Get fit and healthy
    What a long road...I'm blogging about this one at
4) Spare a few minutes for Jesus
      I let myself put a lot in front of the Big Guy and even if I say 'hi' every day once, that's a start!
5) Blog
6) Don't sweat the small stuff
    I am a clean freak and a's an almost uncontrollable personality trait, but I'd like to try and tone it down and have fun instead of worrying that the floor still has wax on it (I had a small candle accident today)
7) Work on relationship
     Dave also gets back burnered and I need to turn the heat back up!
8) Write

So, there's my list.  I've done a few steps towards clearing my plate so that I only have the main things left to focus on.  I'm looking forward to an awesome blow-out to 2014!

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