Saturday, February 08, 2014

Underarm Charm

Okay, sorry I haven't written in a month and a half.  I have been not even that busy; just enjoying not being busy...working on my new calendar for the grandparents, doing some kid crafts, knitting a pair of gloves, reading for book club, etc.  And of course working out and trying to stay on track that way.  Plus, the entire family had the flu this week so that slowed us down! But, I haven't forgotten about my body improvement; it just got waylaid for awhile.  Still doing good on my feet and legs and now it's time for armpits.   I have always had dark underarms so I was reading up on natural and easy ways to lighten them and I decided on rubbing lemon wedges sprinkled with turmeric on them, scrubbing them with a brown sugar/olive oil mixture to exfoliate and of course, moisturizing.  I think I'll do this treatment every day for a week and then just cut out the lemon part to once a week.  So here's the start....let's see how it looks in two weeks:


jannafaye said...

i think you're awesome for posting about this stuff! i am also super curious if this works well and look forward to the update!

Jadis said...

I'm so glad I'm not totally boring! I keep forgetting about the lemon, but the sugar is right in the shower so I can't forget that one...I can't tell if it's working or not but it probably will take awhile!