Saturday, May 29, 2010

Man's Best Friend

I want to make a comparison if I may...firstly, let me begin by saying that only those of you who are especially fond of animals may get anything out of this but that I hope that those of you who aren't may find some truth anyways.
I have always loved animals; I am more fond of them than I am of most people; they are more honest, respectful and good than I could ever hope to be. I have three cats and they are my world. My husband has already taken the back seat to them unfortunately, but I don't think he notices because he has become overly fond of them himself. I tend to treat them like my children and talk to them gently. There are times when I scold them but I often find myself profusely apologizing afterward because my intention was only to stop them from doing something harmful to themselves. I worry about them when I'm not home to protect them and I stay awake through the night when they're ill to make sure they get better. My favourite times are when they come to me just to be with me and they're content just to be sitting with me. I love them because they aren't judgemental or hypocritical...they are with me because they want to be and that is what makes me happy.
Just recently my thought was that I am reflecting God's love in my own way when I'm with my cats. Imagine, God looking down on all of His children and how ernestly He hopes for our well being and guides us to His utmost to keep us from harm and how He's happiest when we sit in His loving arms and simply trust Him and enjoy just spending time with Him. Imagine what He feels when one who doesn't believe in Him, finds they're way into His arms. It would be like us, getting the chance to interact directly with a wild animal. Has that ever happened? It's elating and breathtaking and exciting and at that moment, one of the most beautiful miracles we've ever known. That must be what God feels when we go to Him. Isn't the fact that He just looks at us and smiles so very comforting? And all He wants in return is for us to be like our pets are to us, trusting, loving and loyal. My cats have no doubts about me; they trust me to heal them when they are sick, love them when they are misbehaving, feed them and keep them warm and be there when they need me the most. I believe that they never second guess my actions and would never begrudge me under poor circumstances. This is who we need to be for God; His loyal and loving companions.

1 comment:

Reed said...

You think I didn't notice I'd taken backseat? psshh, I knew I was starting out in the backseat. Hey Sweetheart I heard one of the Dawson's Creek theme songs on the radio tonight and just wanted to tell you how much I love you!