Do you ever get such a good piece of news that you start bawling your head off? Well, lastnight, on a whim, I decided to check Dave's blog to see if he had actually had time to post. He did. And all my fears were put to rest by this passage:
"Finally I said last time I missed Allison, this time I'll tell you I've never longed for anyone or anything this much before. Tonight before I go to sleep I'll look at the pictures of us together, and it wouldn't surprise me if there was a tear. Also my "beard" looks like wispy moss right now. I want to see her, I really don't want her to see me. Love,Dave"
And then, on our private blog to eachother, he wrote to me as well:
"I have no words to describe how much I miss you. I picture you in my mind and it doesn't even conjure an image, something more like a halo, shinning light. Everything about me wants to be surrounded by you, to feel you, see you. I want you so badly right now I would pretty much do anything to get to you....I want you to know I've never loved like this before in my life."
I have the best think I was actually worried about him not loving me as much when he finally got a chance to be rid of me! lol. I wish I had something more interesting to tell you, but my life right now has been purely keeping my mind of becoming insane. It's working, for the most part. I love you all and I promise a more light hearted post at a later date.