Thursday, April 26, 2007

What Could Happen In Three Months?

Alot could happen in three months.
Alot of good stuff can happen; a lot of bad stuff can happen. Of course, I'm opting for the good stuff. It just makes sense. I'll meet alot of new people, I'll bring in more money at work, I'll have countless time to write and work on my projects, I can hang out with my friends and enjoy summer.
For the next three months, I am single.
Dave and I aren't on a break or anything and being single is a mild exaggeration, I'll admit, but for May, June and July, my boyfriend is going to Prince George.
He leaves tomorrow and I miss him today. I can't wait for him to come back and he hasnt' even left. I think that my predicament falls in being scared that we might not make it through this without breaking up (it's as ridiculous as it sounds, believe me...we've talked about it). I think I'll be better once he's actually left, I have come to terms with loving being alone again and half way through his excursion, he emails me telling me how much he loves me, misses me and can't wait to see me again.
And I want to be able to reply to that, I love you, miss you and can't wait to see you again.
I have faith in us, God brought us together. I'll just miss him, that's all. I hope the horrible feeling in my stomach goes away soon, because I just can't cry for three months straight.


Anonymous said...

Well for 3 months I get to catch up on all the things happening in our lives.... I am as much to blame for not calling you, hmmmm we both started the year with a bang and it seperated us a touch. Hey let's go bowling or something one night. I'll drive even. My shoulder is here if you need to lean on someone.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my life! Terrell and I are seperarted for four months once again this summer. It can suck super bad, but it helps to be optimistic. Last summer I cried like 5 days in a row. This summer I only cried the day I left CMU, so it gets easier. Although hearing his voice today on the phone, realizing hes actually that far away made me so sad. So basically, I get it. I understand the pangs of sadness, i get the loneliness and the tears. If you need support ever this summer I am here for you. I would love your support as well. I love you!