February 18th, 2002: Grandpa Bullock passed away.
February 21st, 2002: Grandpa's Memorial
February 22nd, 2002: The SSS see Wave in concert
April 26th, 2002: Met Gary Doer and Catrina LeMay Doan
May 2nd and 3rd, 2002: Clair Witch II was filmed.
May 14th, 2002: Escorted Sarah to the hospital when 'Timmy II' was removed.
May 18th and 19th: Grandpa's Wake on Heart Hill (now lovingly known as 'Jack's Place')
June 8th, 2002: The 'Cheese' sleepover takes place.
June 28th, 2002: Mrs. Geekie takes the SSS to see 'Hamlet' in Shakespeare in the Ruins
July 15th, 2002: Janna meets Cole Bullock
July 16th, 2002: Survivor, Act II begins
July 18th, 2002: Survivor is hit by a tornado leaving the SSS wet and cold and without clothes
September 7th, 2002: Chad and Kelly get married in Moose Jaw
September 13th, 2002: Young and the Genderless II comes into existance
September 28th, 2002: Mom calls...she's dating a man named Jim
October 3rd, 2002: The SSS sees Jake and Starfield in concert
October 13th, 2002: Met Jim for the first time
October 31st, 2002: Halloween and the SSS dress up as the Archie Gang
November 29th, 2002: Volleyball Provincials in Grandview...Cass kisses Courtney.
February 12th, 2003: Janna turns Sweet Sixteen
March 23rd, 2003: Sarah turns Sweet Sixteen
April 24th, 2003: Lip Sync for Spirit Week, the SSS wins for their N'Sync set.
May 9th, 2003: Al's last highschool dance in Strathclair
May 22nd, 2003: Al sees Romeo and Juliet in Shakespear in the Ruins
May 30th, 2003: Al's last highschool dance in Shoal Lake
June 26th, 2003: Al graduates highschool.
June 28th, 2003: Al cuts off her hair
August 18th, 2003: Suvivor, Act III begins
August 21st, 2003: Jeffery Pond ensues
August 23rd, 2003: The SSS attend Marty Thomas and Tracey Pederson's wedding
August 28th, 2003: The 'sperm panties' come into existance...thank you Sarah!
September 3rd, 2003: The SSS is divided in half as Cass and Al leave for Coleman, AB
September 5th, 2003: Cass begins first day in her new highschool.
September 18th, 2003: Cassie's Sweet Sixteen
September 22nd, 2003: Al begins first job
December 12th, 2003: Al's first job comes to a close
January 3rd, 2004: Al gets three more holes in her ears bringing the total to eight.
February 4th, 2004: Al gets her drivers licence
February 26th, 2004: Al becomes a brunette
March 4th, 2004: Al starts pet-sitting job for Jan Hodgeson
March 27th, 2004: Dad comes to visit for a few days
April 11th, 2004: Cass and Al go with two other youth and discover YWAM
April 30th, 2004: Cass and Al go to Manitoba to see family and friends
May 5th, 2004: Cass and Al return to Coleman
May 11th, 2004: Al gets her first car
May 17th, 2004: Al begins second job
May 27th, 2004: Teisha is given away
May 31st, 2004: Teisha is returned
June 4th and 5th 2004: The youth group camp at Chinook and have a ritual burning of personal garbage
June 7th, 2004: Tampa Bay Lightening wins the Stanley Cup
June 13th, 2004: Cass shaves her head
June 14th, 2004: Al ends her second job
July 4th, 2004: Brandy gets baptised and Al meets Cheex (aka Dave) for the first time.
July 9th, 10th, and 11th, 2004: The Hardway
July 24th, 2004: The all-nighter takes place with Al, Cass, Ryan and Cheex
July 31st, 2004: Al and Dave get together
August 16th, 2004: Al starts third job
September 1st, 2004: Al ends third job
September 4th, 2004: Al has her first kiss
September 18th, 2004: Al throws Cass a surprise party
September 26th, 2004: Al goes to Lethbridge for Dave
October 8th, 2004: Al meets Dan Charland and Keira Stinson for the first time (not knowing, they'd one day room with her)
October 22nd, 2004: Al starts fourth job at the kennel.
October 25th, 2004: Al recieves a promise ring from Dave
November 1st, 2004: Al and Dave adopt Oscar
November 5th, 2004: Al begins apartment searching
November 19th, 2004: Al moves into her new apartment
December 3rd, 2004: Dan and Keira move into the spare bedroom of Al's apartment
December 11th, 2004: Al and Dave attend the Ducan Christmas Party
January 15th, 2005: Al and Dave celebrate their six month anniversary
February 1st 2005: Keira and Dan move out
March 2nd, 2005: Al and Dave visit his psychiatrist....together
March 24th, 2005: Al and Dave discuss the possiblility of breaking up...but decide they can't
April 9th, 2005: Al meets Dennis
May 2nd, 2005: Al starts massage therapy school and Dave and Al adopt Nite
May 9th, 2005: Dave and Al break up..for real this time.
May 13th, 2005: Cassie graduates highschool
May 30th, 2005: Al talks to Dave on the phone
June 6th, 2005: Al sees Dave for the last time
July 12th, 2005: Al pierces nose
July 19th, 2005: Saw Prism in concert
July 25th, 2005: Al goes to Dr. for pap and breast exam, where a lump is found in her right breast
August 2nd, 2005: An ultrasound is done on her breast and comes up clean
August 20th, 2005: Al gets her second car
September 10th, 2005: Al throws yet another surprise party for Cass and Cass prepares to go to Eagles Nest for YWAM
September 28th, 2005: Al and Amber meet and become friends instantly
October 24th, 2005: Al sees Alice Cooper in concert
October 29th, 2005: Al attends her first adult Halloween party dressed as a diamond dog
November 25th, 2005: Al ends fourth job
December 5th, 2005: Al and her mom get their belly button's pierced
December 9th, 2005: Al goes to the Cadaver Lab in Calgary
December 13th, 2005: Al adopts Peony
December 17th, 2005: Al, mom and Jim attend the Nutcracker ballet in Calgary
December 30th, 2005: Al puts yet one more hole in her ear bringing the total to nine
January 14th, 2006: Nite dies in a tragic accident
February 7th, 2006: Cass returns home
March 5th, 2006: Al shaves her head
March 12th, 2006: Amber and Al start attending College Drive Church
March 15th, 2006: Cass gets lip pierced
March 31st, 2006: Dennis makes full parole
April 29th, 2006: Al graduates from massage therapy
May 22nd, 2006: Calmo Mao comes into existance
June 8th, 2006: Amber leaves Lethbridge and her and Al see eachother for the last time
June 11th, 2006: Al gets baptised
June 18th, 2006: Al and Cass write and record a song together
June 21st, 2006: Al starts fifth job
July 14th, 2006: Al ends fifth job
July 18th, 2006: Al starts sixth job
July 28th, 2006: Al meets Matt
August 5th, 2006: Al and Cass see Prism in concert
August 10th, 2006: Al gets tongue pierced, bringing her total to twelve
August 12th, 2006: Dad comes again for a visit
October 3rd, 2006: Al agrees to see Nick from the hotel; they go for breakfast
October 4th, 2006: Al decides that Nick isn't her type
Present time: Al is still at her sixth job at the Pepper Tree and is currently reading a library book entitled 'Usher's Passing'. Peace out.