Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cheers Summer, Welcome New Beginnings

I figured I should do a post since school is starting and this may be the last one physically possible for me to write for awhile. So many things are sneaking up....summer is coming to a close which, for me is okay. There were a few things I didn't get out of it like camping and some more beach time, but it was good and I'm always excited by the fall. The cool, crisp morning, the rumble of school arriving, the autumn smell, the knowledge of Thanksgiving and fall wreaths. Halloween and the slow descent into winter when the world seems sleepy. It makes me content, and excited and calmed all at the same time. I am getting somewhat excited for the new school year, however daunting I know it will eventually be...I'm excited because I'm going with my new husband and at the end of all things, there are so many opportunities, my head spins. I have the knowledge that this will get me closer to a job I could do well past retirement, it will get me to my dream house which is my most favourite part of all this, it will allow me to see the world and build my own theatre house.
And, I'm getting married...a big step for me after discovering two years ago that I could care less if I ever married as long as I could have children. It's actually odd to me to think that I found someone I want to compromise some of my single freedom for but there's no one else I'd rather accomplish all the above with than my best friend and he'd help make fine looking children!
So, I guess that's all I had to ramble on about for today. Peace out.